Answers >> Dingxi >> Culture
  • Tacheko

    Exstreme or Exsesive ?

    I was cleaning the back veranda at Home and got out the presure washer to finish it off

     wife comes out and tells me that I am going extreme cleaning it so well

    Dear wife I am Australian not Chinese so not do half the job

    And that is how I got the black eye

    9 years agoin Culture-All
    Answers(6) Comments(0)
  • couto
    I know this situations too
    9 years ago
  • kenney
    "Extreme or excessive". Hope you're not an English teachersurprise
    9 years ago
  • yakova

    Once, I heard an 'excellent' excuse for "what caused 'blue/black eye'':

    Woman try to get off/park her bike......Me, passer-by.

    Other man: 'What happened to your eye, Maggie?'

    Woman: 'I fall off my bike yesterday.... 'angel

    9 years ago
  • karavich

    girls just don't understand that Pressure Washers are Fun!

    do you have to have a Pressure Washer to wash your perfectly restored WWII-era Willy's Jeep? Yes.

    just a simple Law of Physics-

    Dudes need Pressure Washers.

    Dudettes need Shoes.

    9 years ago
  • siti
    conflicts like these tend to happen in these circumstances. However i sincerely hope it was not a literally black eye you got...
    9 years ago
  • horido

    girls just don't understand that Pressure Washers are Fun!

    do you have to have a Pressure Washer to wash your perfectly restored WWII-era Willy's Jeep? Yes.

    just a simple Law of Physics-

    Dudes need Pressure Washers.

    Dudettes need Shoes.

    9 years ago

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